What is Tae Kwon-Do?
Tae Kwon-Do is a Korean style of martial art, founded by General Choi Hong-Hi on the 11th April 1955.
It translates to mean “The art of hand and food fighting and is one of the most popular martial arts in the UK.
Atherstone Tae Kwon-Do Club is affiliated with the Tae Kwon-Do Association of Great Britain (TAGB) – a detailed history of Tae Kwon-Do and the TAGB can be found on the link below.
Who can do Tae Kwon-Do?
Anyone over the age of 6!
Tae Kwon-Do combines techniques such as kicking, punching, and blocking with self defence, discipline, and fitness. You do not need to be fit when you join the club as this will improve with training.
Tae Kwon-Do is suitable for most people of various ages and standards of fitness.
Come along to a lesson and speak to us, we will give you friendly advice and try to answer any questions you may have.
How do you get a black belt in TKD?
Beginners start with a white-belt, and as gradings are taken new coloured belts may be awarded. There are 9 coloured belts to achieve before you can take a black belt grading: Yellow-Tag, Yellow, Green-Tag, Green, Blue-Tag, Blue, Red-Tag, Red, Black-Tag.
Tae Kwon-Do training will give you a feeling of achievement as well as fitness, confidence and self defence. To measure your achievements we regularly hold gradings and tournaments.
In order to pass a grading, you must be able to demonstrate your ability to perform Tae Kwon-Do at a level applicable to the belt you are going for.
This usually includes learning a set routine of moves (pattern), set sparring, free sparring, line work, pad work, and theory. The grading examiner can also test your knowledge on the meanings and terminology behind patterns and movements.
Join us for a FREE taster session
Tae Kwon-Do Association of Great Britain (TAGB)
We are proud members of the TAGB and have been since 1991. Our gradings and competitions are organised by the TAGB, specifically with Grand Master Donnelly.